Welcome to our blog!

Here you will read our games and movie-reviews and hopefully you can also see our video's on how to (not) play games.

donderdag 31 mei 2012

Movie review: The Blob

For anyone who can get over the ridiculous title they might find a very entertaining and slightly unusual movie with ‘The Blob’. Released in 1958, this movie was (and still is) praised for its amazing advance as far as the special effects goes. And I must say that it looks pretty awesome for anyone who can appreciate an old movie that isn’t pumped with CGI crap.

The story takes place in a typical small town, when suddenly out of nowhere an f8ing meteorite falls down from the skies into the woods, an old man is lucky enough to finds it and all hell breaks loose. Turns out that inside the meteorite lives a small alien that looks like a pink pudding FROM HELL!! The alien attacks the old man by attaching himself to his arm and eats him away slowly, and I mean really slowly, like half the movie slowly. Steve McQueen (cleverly named Steve Andrews in this movie) and his girlfriend just so happen to drive around looking for the same meteorite, they end up taking the old man to the doctor. After that, the Blob breaks loose and gets a serious case of the munchies. With every person it eats it grows in size and ends up being humongous, and there is no way to stop it. Shooting doesn’t seem to do anything, and since it doesn’t have a form, it can squeeze itself everywhere. Steve tries to warn the police, but they don’t believe him, and neither do his parents, a basic scenario that will repeat itself often in later movies throughout the years.

It’s your basic ‘Monster on the loose’ movie, and I love it. Only problem I have with it is that it’s slow, and you only see the monster every once in a while. It’s definitely based more on the characters and their hopelessness to warn anyone rather than the Blob itself, which is somewhat of a letdown. Another thing that annoys the living f8ck out of me is the fact that running appears to be frigging optional, the blob moves so slow, it makes the Romero’s zombies look like Kenyans, and still they can’t outrun the damn thing.

So yeah, overall a nice movie, very slow and outdated but still enjoyable, and honestly, how can you hate a movie that has such a catchy theme song?

And who said movies don’t teach you anything? Here’s what have I learned from this movie:

* Don’t let your little brother, who is probably on the slow side, ‘Guard’ your parents, he’ll do a horrible job. And above all, try to tell them that soothing at a 20 foot booger from outer space with a plastic gun isn’t the best way to protect the earth -_-
* Driving backwards was a way to prove your male dominance upon your friends back in the days, seriously, how the hell did our species survives this long??


welcome everyone to our blog! 
A place where we'll make games, and
movie-reviews, and hopefully some other game or movie related things.
Now, there might be a few numbers of questions you can have. That
understandable, but let's start with the most obvious ones: 

What kind of movies will we review?
Well, some movies that I personally enjoy, which are mostly horror
movies or just good movies, that they are from the fifties or the
eighties, or even modern CGI movies. My personal passion are still
80's or early 90's gore movies, if you ask me, they have such a fine
line between horror, gore and humor that just isn't very common

What kind of games will we review?
Like with the movies, we have some games that we enjoy more than
others, mostly ( surprise surprise ) Horror games. My personal favorite
of the horror game genre always remains survival horror, an
unfortunately dying branch of the awesome game-genre. The idea of being
surrounded by unspeakable things and that behind every door death may
await you with its cold and terrifying gasp. the low ammunition, the bad 
combat system, it is while playing those games that you realize how weak
you really are, and still you manage to prevail even with all those odds 
against you, now that's a feeling you won't get from playing a game in 
which you can slay a whole army without breaking a sweat.

Do you guys have some kind of legit experience to make reviews?
Nope, apart from watching a lot of movies and playing a lot of games,
you'll have to take our word for it

what are the other things we will do?
Probably walkthroughs and playtroughs with commentary if we ever get
the time and the chance to do so. We will also post some personal top
10's involving games and movies.

If you have any more questions, let us know in the comments and we'll
answer them as good as we can :P
well, with that out of the way, stick around because we'll try to post
something new regularly, both movie related and game related
